The methods of purification of water

Water is the most precious part of our daily life. The water what we get in our home generally comes from the rivers, groundwater, lake, canals, surface water or reservoirs and that water contains a large number of the impurities such as the sand, clay, slits, microorganisms etc. In general, water is treated with the some of these methods before it reaches to our home. That is like sedimentation, filtration and chlorination. This is the standard methods that used in the purification of water because this is cheap and purify the large quantity of water and with the low maintenance. But there are some more methods which we are explaining here by which we can treat impure water and gets the clean drinking water. Types of methods Sedimentation and decantation Distillation Boiling Chemical Tablets Granular Activated Carbon Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Let understand it in details Sedimentation and decantation This is one of the simplest processes of purif...