The methods of purification of water

Purification of water

Water is the most precious part of our daily life. The water what we get in our home generally comes from the rivers, groundwater, lake, canals, surface water or reservoirs and that water contains a large number of the impurities such as the sand, clay, slits, microorganisms etc. In general, water is treated with the some of these methods before it reaches to our home. That is like sedimentation, filtration and chlorination. This is the standard methods that used in the purification of water because this is cheap and purify the large quantity of water and with the low maintenance. But there are some more methods which we are explaining here by which we can treat impure water and gets the clean drinking water.

Alkaline water

Types of methods

  1. Sedimentation and decantation
  2. Distillation
  3. Boiling
  4. Chemical Tablets
  5. Granular Activated Carbon
  6. Reverse Osmosis
  7. Water Purifier

Let understand it in details

Sedimentation Process

Sedimentation and decantation

This is one of the simplest processes of purifying the physical impurities such as sand, clay and other impurities. In this process, the water store or move with very low speed due to which the impurities are settle bottom of the container. And the pure water flows from the top of the container.

Distillation Process


Distillation is the process in which the impure water is heated till to its boiling point at that certain time the water is heated and starts vaporizing. Then the steam passes through the condenser in which the steam condenses and starts to turn into the liquid state. The main phenomenon behind it is that the water gets vaporized and the impurity left in the container. So we get the pure water.

boiling water in glass


Boiling is the very standard way which is used in the home to purifying the water. In this process, the water simply boils at the 100o C and then cools. In this process, the boiled water kills the bacteria and harmful microorganism.

Potassium Permanganate Tablets

Chemical Tablets

The using of chemical tablets are the very simplest way of purifying the water. In this, we use tablets of potassium permanganate and the chlorine to purifying the water. The small quantity of tablets is used to purifying the large about of water. It kills the harmful microorganism and germs from the water.

Desalination Process


This is the process in which the sea water is converted into the clean drinking water. It is the same process as distillation process in which the sea water is heated till the water start vaporizing and then the condensation of steam which converted into the liquid water. This is free from all impurities and the salt.

Reverse Osmosis Purification

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is one of the cheapest processes of water purification. In this process, a membrane is used in which a pressure is applied to the impure water to pass through the semi-permeable membrane by this at another end the pure water is received. The membrane purifies all the harmful components of the water i.e. the sand, clay, chemicals, harmful microorganism and minerals also. Reverse osmosis is the most useful method for large-scale water purification.

Water Purifier

Water Purifier

The water purifier is the best system which we can easily install and use in our home for purifying the water. The water purifiers generally consist of Ro membrane and the some of the latest technology for water purification. Such as the UltraViolet(UV) technology, Ultra Filtration(UF) membrane, Alkaline technology and etc. There are large numbers of water purifiers products are available in the market, but the best products are available in Blue Mount Appliances.

Check the review of the best water purifiers in India from the customer:-


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